Tom Eure and Amelia Osborne of Morning Star, Matthews, are excited to share an original song and music video specifically for use on God’s work. Our hands. Sunday—and any other time, too! The song, “Love Compels Us To,” is combined with 86 feet of artwork to make a beautiful Crankie Collaboration. It includes not only the beautifully decorated hands of members all across the NC Synod but also images of ministries that we do in God’s name for others in our various communities. Over 10 groups helped with the artwork of this crankie, including an Agapé Day Camp, the bishop, and nine congregations. Crankies are an enchanting form of Folk Art storytelling with roots all the way back to the 1800’s. Crankies use long scrolls of art wound on two spools. As the spools are “cranked” the story comes to life, often with the help of shadow puppets. Some of St. Mark’s members drew and decorated their hands for this wonderful “crankie” scroll. Click on this link to see the video!