St. Mark’s Seniors
Our seniors meet in the Fellowship Hall on the 1st Wednesday of the month for an informative and entertaining presentation starting at 10:15 am followed by lunch.
Book Study Group
Gather with men & women the last Thursday of every month at 10:30 am in the small conference room to discuss the book of the month.
Ethnic Restaurant Group
Adults meet at selected area restaurants to enjoy food and fellowship. We meet on the third Tuesday of every month at 7 pm.
Care and Share
St. Mark’s Care and Share program is now in place. Please let Pastor Tim or any member of the Congregational Life committee know if you or someone you know at St. Mark’s has a short-term need for meals, transportation assistance, or other help.
Online Pictorial Directory
Each online user must download the mobile app or visit
The app guides the user through the sign-up process. After loading the app and providing username (your email address) and password the Instant Church Directory will send you a confirmation email with a validation link. After confirming the validation link, you can use the online version 24/7.