Educational opportunities on Sundays 9:30am – 10:15am:


Active Faith Class   |   Large Conference Room

A class for all adults! Each class begins with an icebreaker question to help the class get to know one another better before jumping into the curriculum.  The class is currently studying “Daniel in the Lion’s Den”.  All adults are welcome to join this friendly group!


High School Sunday School   |   Youth Room

Grades 9-12.  Youth and leaders discuss the Bible and how they might apply their faith to everyday situations.  We are currently using the Animate: Bible curriculum.  This is a great place for visiting high school youth to get started!


Confirmation Class   |   Confirmation Room

Grades 6-8.  Pastor Tim leads our Confirmation Program, in which youth explore Scripture, Lutheran doctrine, and Lutheran history.  We also discuss how these things affect their lives today.  We are currently exploring Luther’s Small Catechism.  Each confirmation student is paired with a mentor who joins in class periodically.


Godly Play   |   

Ages 4-10.  Godly Play has been temporarily paused. In Godly Play, children engage with powerful biblical stories and then wonder about them together.


Educational Opportunities During the Week:

Love Circle  |  Large Conference Room

A women’s Bible study that meets in the second Wednesday of the month at 11am, September through May. They use the Bible Study from the Gather Magazine, a publication of WELCA.


Educational Opportunities During the Year:

Via de Cristo | Bethelwoods Camp, SC

Via de Cristo means “the Way of Christ”. It is a name used by Lutherans for a movement of personal Christian renewal within the Church. This instrument of renewal originated in Spain under the name of “Cursillo”. It has been in North Carolina since September, 1976. It is a highly structured, well-thought-out method for renewing the faith of individuals, the congregations from which they come and the environments in which they live and work. This renewal movement is presented as a united effort of laypersons and clergy to aid congregations in the development of Christian leaders.

A Via de Cristo Retreat is an encounter with Christ in which the participant becomes a part of a community abounding in God’s grace . It enhances and strengthens our personal relationship with Christ, with our Christian brothers and sisters and with the Christian community. The Via de Cristo Retreat is coming face to face with Christ.

For more information, go to the community website at or contact John Simon.