If you would like to support the ministries of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church through a financial gift, we have many options listed below. Thank you in advance for contributing to the mission of St. Mark’s.
During church services:
Simply drop your cash or check offering into the offering plate at the appropriate time during any of our worship services.
Through the mail:
Mail your check offering to
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
1001 Queens Road
Charlotte, NC 28207
Online giving options:
1. Many banks offer an online bill payment feature. If your bank does, you can set up St. Mark’s as a payee and send checks, usually at no additional charge to you.
2. Visit our online giving site to make a secure monetary offering:
3. Give via text messaging: Text the message “MartinLuther” to the phone number 73256. You will be taken to another website where you can input the amount you wish to give via your credit/debit card or checking account.