The Music Ministry program of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church wishes to provide opportunities for service for all people through God’s wonderful gift of music. Martin Luther tells us “Nothing on earth is so well suited to make the sad merry, the merry sad, to give courage to the despairing, to make the proud humble, to lessen envy and hate, as music.” It is our hope to all who make membership in the music program a time of growth; in our understanding of the presence of God in our lives, in our musical abilities, and in being with others who share our faith. “Excellence in all things, and all things to God’s Glory.”

Share in the joys of serving God through music. Soli Deo Gloria!

ST. MARK’S CHOIR The St. Mark’s Choir is the principal choir of our church, leading the 10:30 AM worship nearly ten months of the calendar year. Membership is open to all who desire to enrich their lives and the lives of others through choral music. Wednesday evening rehearsals.

CHAMBER CHOIR The Chamber Choir of St. Mark’s is comprised of members from the St. Mark’s Choir who especially enjoy singing choral repertoire for smaller combinations of voices, with emphasis on unaccompanied repertoire. Membership is by invitation/audition.

SUMMER CHOIR Our St. Mark’s Summer Choir provides music leadership for the 10:30 AM worship during the summer months, usually Pentecost through Labor Day. One or two evening rehearsals are held in early June, with a short time of preparation on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM.

DESCANT CHOIR The Descant Choir provides music leadership primarily for all funeral and memorial services for members at St. Mark’s, assisting with the singing of hymns and liturgy for these services. The Descant Choir can be scheduled to sing for weddings.

ST. MARK’S HANDBELLS This handbell choir is open to ringers, high school age/adult with some handbell experience. We usually ring four to five octaves of handbells, intermediate to advanced difficulty level, and provide musical support for worship throughout the fall, winter and spring seasons. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings.

CANTORS Cantors are scheduled each week, to lead the musical setting of the appointed Psalm for the 10:30 AM worship service. Vocalists are usually members of St. Mark’s Choir. Cantors are scheduled by interview/audition.

CHERUB CHOIR Our 3-6 year olds practice several times a year in preparation for singing at the 10:30am worship service. They are led by Emily Foley. When practicing, they meet in the church library at 9:30am. See the calendar for dates.

INTRUMENTALISTS Organ and piano are the primary instrumentation at the 8:30am service. Additional instrumentalists (and vocalists) are welcome to join the Song Leaders at this service. In addition to our beautiful pipe organ, the 10:30am worship at St. Mark’s is often enriched by musical instruments of all varieties: solo cello, violin, clarinet, harp, trumpet, handbells, French horn, as well as instrumental ensembles that might feature a string quartet or brass quintet.