Sunday Worship at St. Mark’s, 8:30 am Contemporary and 10:30 am Traditional
8:30 am Sunday Worship has regathered! Please join us at 8:30 am in the Sanctuary.
A 10:30 am Service of Holy Communion is offered, both in-person and also “live” online, each Sunday on Facebook at Sunday services are also archived on Facebook and always available for viewing at any time either on Facebook, YouTube, or through St. Mark’s website.
Contemporary Worship – 8:30 am
Each Sunday, members and visitors gather in the Sanctuary of St. Mark’s to worship God through Word, song, and Holy Communion. The Contemporary Service offers a new musical setting from All Creation Sings (Augsburg Fortress).
Traditional Worship – 10:30 am
The Traditional Worship Service is located our beautiful Sanctuary. We worship using Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW), a rich source of old standards and the best contemporary hymnody. We use several of the liturgies in the ELW and are steadily working our way to being proficient in all 10. Holy Communion is celebrated during each service.
The primary instrument during this service is the organ. Brass and strings are often used to enhance our praise of God, not only on festival Sundays, but on any given day of worship. Mr. Lester Ackerman, Jr. is our organist and leads our choir as the Director of Music. All are welcome!
We have a nursery staffed with caring adult members, open to infants and children up to age four beginning at 10:15am. However, many of our parents bring their children to worship. Our pastor offers a children’s sermon each week, and then children have the option of going to Children’s Church during the sermon or returning to sit with their parents.
During Advent and Lent we offer midweek services at 7:00 pm (7 pm services also live on Facebook). We follow the liturgical calendar of the church year and celebrate the festivals with joy.