Check out some pictures from our youth group’s fall semester!
On September 8, youth and children joined with adults in the congregation for the ELCA’s God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday! We made 200 sandwiches for the Urban Ministry Center, 42 placemats for the Kairos Prison Ministry, and helped prepare for the upcoming Room in the Inn season.
On October 5, families with children were invited for a fun morning learning about God’s creatures at Darby Acres Farm.
The Cherub Choir performed two songs during the 10:30 service on October 13!
The youth led the congregation in worship during our annual Youth Sunday on October 20. As always, they did a wonderful job!
In November, youth and adult leaders traveled to Camp Tekoa Foothills in Casar, NC for a weekend to consider “The Ingredients of the Christian Life.” We had a wonderful time studying the Bible, enjoying the paddleboats and the zipline, worshiping God, and growing our friendships!
Each semester around exam time, our youth pack care packages for our college students to remind them of our love for them!
Families with children gathered a few days before Thanksgiving for a night of fellowship, crafts, delicious food, and considering what we are thankful for.
Confirmation Mentor Brunch!
Youth and college students gather to serve at Room in the Inn in December.
Youth serve in the Live Nativity on Christmas Eve!
Our youth participated in these activities and more during the Fall semester. We look forward to a great Spring semester! Are you a visitor who is looking for a loving, welcoming, and Christ-centered youth group? Please contact our Director of Youth and Family Ministry, Alex English, at