St. Mark’s was pleased to collaborate with the Charlotte Chapter of the American Guild of Organists to present this concert on Sunday, August 18. St. Mark’s Director of Music and Organist Lester Ackerman and Charlotte Symphony Associate Principal trumpeter Gabriel Slesinger were featured.
Les Ackerman and Gabe Slesinger also gave insights into the pieces they performed.
We had record attendance for the August 18 Vespers/Summer Series concert at St. Mark’s, co-sponsored by the Charlotte Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. The AGO board estimates there were 230-250 attendees. The offering/collection for the Young Organist Scholarship fund was also record, $740.00 in plate receipts, not including the contributions made through PayPal. Thank you to Les Ackerman and Gabriel Slesinger!
The reception by our Congregational Life Committee was well received, and much appreciated!