Welcome to St. Mark’s Social Ministry Quick Links Page, a place for current information and schedules. For more detailed information, please click on the headings for each ministry. We look forward to serving together!
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” (Matthew 25:36-37)
St. Mark’s Social Ministries seek to fulfill Christ’s command feed the hungry and the thirsty, welcome the stranger, provide shelter for those in need, and visit those in prison. We are also continuing a Reformation tradition begun by Martin Luther in 1523, in which Luther encouraged congregations to establish “community chests” to help support the needs of society around them.
Soup Kitchen
St. Mark’s Soup Kitchen is open every Thursday between 11:00 am-12:00 pm.
To donate to the Soup Kitchen, CLICK HERE
Loaves & Fishes
“Groceries for Neighbors in Need”
Clients can go to the satellite locations and pick up a pre-packaged box with a week’s supply of nutritionally balance non-perishable food items. Church members can go to loavesandfishes.org, by clicking the title above, to find out how to donate money toward the packaging of these boxes which are $33/box. They also can continue to bring food to the church to be donated.
St. Mark’s continues to collect donations of non-perishable food items for this ecumenical food pantry. Feel free to bring bags of non-perishables to the church, Monday-Thursday (office hours 10 am-2 pm), on your way home from the store. Thank you for remembering those without enough to eat.
Second Harvest Food Bank
Second Harvest Food Bank provides perishable food to go to Loaves and Fishes for the clients. Please click on the title above to go to secondharvestmetrolina.org and make a donation.
Roof Above (Urban Ministries)
Roof Above (Urban Ministry Center) is an interfaith organization dedicated to bringing the community together to end homelessness, one life at a time. To make donations to support Roof Above wishlist through amazon CLICK HERE
Rise Against Hunger
Rise Against Hunger is an international relief agency that connects local volunteers with hungry people across the world. Since 2015 St. Mark’s has organized 70 volunteers who in 90 minutes pack 10,152 instant meals that are then distributed to those in need beyond our local community. When we pack these meals, we do not know where they will go or who will ultimately use them – we do this in response to John 13:35 “By this [love] all will know that you are my disciples.” This Event is funded through directed donations ($0.34 per meal) to St. Mark’s/Rise Against Hunger fund or by direct donations to http://events.riseagainsthunger.org/StMarks2020. St. Mark’s Seniors Ministry Group has been the sponsoring organization for these Events. Pre-registration for the event can be made at this same internet link or by contacting Tom Tolbert.
Room In The Inn
St. Mark’s is again offering hospitality to those who have no place to call home. We are very grateful your support, without which many would have spent a cold night on the streets, in their cars or in an over crowded shelter. Instead they were warm, well fed, able to shower and do their laundry. They also received friendly conversation, respect and caring from the St. Mark’s volunteers they encountered.
Stephen Ministry
Do you feel like you are in crisis? In Isaiah it is written, “Fear not, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God.” Stephen ministers are here to show the Lord’s love and comfort for you in times of trial. Would you contact us today? Email Pastor Tim (pastortim@saintmarkscharlotte.org)
Kairos Prison Ministry
Vision: A community spiritually freed from the effects of imprisonment reaching all impacted by incarceration, through the love, hope, and faith found in Jesus Christ. Mission: The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities. St. Mark’s Kairos Prison Ministry makes trips the first weekends in May and November. Due to the pandemic these trips were suspended. However, we have been taking “Good Friday cookies” to both Foothills prisons, instead.
Habitat For Humanity
St. Mark’s supports Habitat Charlotte financially and with volunteers for the Fall builds. Please look for news as it becomes available. Since 1983, Habitat Charlotte has helped more than 900 families have been able to realize their dream of home-ownership. St. Mark’s supports Habitat Charlotte financially and with volunteers for spring and fall builds.
Reception of the 2020 “Do Good” Award
On December 12, 2020 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church was presented the “Most Generous Financial Gift” award by Share Charlotte, Wells Fargo, and the Charlotte Business Journal for our support of Running Works, a nonprofit organization that provides life skills training and housing to homeless people.